Welcome to music at YMS!
Instrumental music education at Yorkville Middle School consists of a comprehensive band and orchestra program serving more than 300 students across seventh and eighth grades. The middle school program is served by three full time band and orchestra teachers, with two additional teachers traveling from Yorkville High School, which allows each student to receive instruction at the large group, small group, and individual levels.
Large group rehearsal instruction takes place during the school day. Wind players meet daily over the course of two seventh grade and two eighth grade rehearsal periods. Percussionists rehearse separately each day in a course designed specifically for the development of the complete percussion musician, and combine with the winds for performances. The orchestra meets daily over the course of two seventh grade and one eighth grade rehearsal periods. Both the band and the orchestra perform numerous concerts in conjunction with other Yorkville CUSD 115 ensembles as well as at VanderCook Band and Orchestra Fest and music in the parks, festivals, and other community and off-campus events. Students also participate in Illinois Music Education Association District IX junior auditions and festivals, as well as a solo and ensemble event each spring.
In addition to large ensemble instruction, instrumental music students receive small group and individual lessons with like instruments. Lessons are taught as pull-outs during ensemble periods and student advisory periods. Lessons are the core of the students’ education on the specific techniques required to play each of the instruments, and are an important part of the students’ overall development as musicians.
Yorkville Middle School offers extra-curricular music opportunities such as an Alternative Strings group and a Jazz Band. Both ensembles are combined seventh and eighth grade, and meet one day per week after school.
Music Faculty
Ms. Julie Fischer
Mrs. Cassandra Gallagher
Mr. Angelo Makropoulos
Mr. Angelo Makropoulos
Mrs. Gwen Roseberg
Mrs. Emily Beyer
Mr. William Foster
Mrs. Kim Gyssler